I was able to build an RPCAP connection without issue on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, with Wireshark 2.4.4 64-bit and WinPCAP 4.1.3 as the remote system, and Windows 7 Pro 64-bit as the system running Wireshark or Dumpcap (I used the -b and -p options for 'rpcapd' as well). If this procedure doesn't work there is some connectivity problem between the two systems, perhaps due to a firewall or cabling issue. This ought to provide a list of interfaces available on the WinPCAP host and ought to resemble the output of 'dumpcap -D -M' on that remote host. In the Wireshark "Capture Interfaces" (Ctrl+K), "Mange Interfaces." button, "Remote Interfaces" tab, "+"-button, "Remote Interface" dialog box, select "Null authentication". You can then try authenticating without credentials (as specified by -n) only from a remote system with the IPv4 address ( following the -l parameter. Locate this file on your installation (for 64-bit it will be under Program Files (x86)\WinPCAP) within a CMD prompt window (WIN+R, 'cmd', Enter): cd \Program Files (x86)\WinPCAP
Then perform the manual binding of the NPF driver again as shown in the screenshot and restart Wireshark.I'm not positive if this will help with your issue, but you might try specifying an interactive command line for the 'rpcapd' service executable directly. If this value is already set to 14 you may need to uninstall some of the other network filter drivers.

To do this, you have to adjust the MaxNumFilters value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\ You can manually increase this limit to 14. " Filters currently installed on the system have reached the limit." When I tried to bind it manually as shown in the screenshot here: Binding NFP to adapter I got the the error: What I discovered was that even though WinPCap was installed correctly, the NPF driver was not actually bound to any network adapter.

This took me a day and a half to figure out so I wanted to share my results.